8 proven exercises to build bigger glutes

Having a firm and toned booty has become a highly desirable trait in recent years. There are many benefits to growing your glutes. They range from simple aesthetics to pure functionality and strength. Here are 3 top benefits of stronger glutes.

  1. Boost Athletic Performance: Your glutes are one of the largest and most powerful muscles in your body. By developing them, you can enhance your athletic performance, jump higher, run faster, and lift heavier weights.
  2. Lower Risk of Injury: Developing your glutes can improve your posture and alignment, which reduces your risk of injury during physical activities. Strong glutes also support your lower back and hips, reducing the likelihood of lower back pain.
  3. Aesthetic Appeal: A well-developed backside is highly desirable, and glute training can help you achieve that toned, defined look. A stronger, more shapely butt can also increase your self-confidence and self-esteem.

If you’re looking to build bigger glutes, here are some of the most effective exercises you should consider incorporating into your workout routine.


Squats are considered the ultimate glute-building exercise. This compound movement works the quads, hamstrings, and glutes all at once. To perform a squat, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, with your toes pointing slightly outwards. Keep your chest up and your core engaged as you lower your hips down and back, as if you were sitting into a chair. Push through your heels to return to a standing position.


Deadlifts are another compound exercise that targets the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back muscles. To perform a deadlift, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a barbell or dumbbells in front of your thighs. Hinge at the hips, lowering the weight down towards the floor while keeping your back flat and your core engaged. Return to a standing position by pushing through your heels and squeezing your glutes at the top.

Hip Thrusts

Hip thrusts are a popular exercise for building glutes. To perform a hip thrust, sit on the floor with your back against a bench or step. Place a barbell or a weight plate across your hips and lean back against the bench. Bend your knees and place your feet on the floor, hip-width apart. Drive your hips up towards the ceiling, squeezing your glutes at the top. Lower your hips back down to the starting position and repeat.


Lunges are another great exercise for building glutes, as they work each leg independently and can help correct any imbalances between the two sides. To perform a lunge, step forward with one foot and lower your back knee towards the ground, keeping your front knee over your ankle. Push through your front heel to return to a standing position, then repeat on the other leg.


Step-ups are a functional exercise that can help build glutes and improve overall lower body strength. To perform a step-up, stand facing a step or bench and place one foot on top of it. Step up onto the bench, driving through your heel and squeezing your glutes at the top. Lower back down to the starting position and repeat on the other leg.

Glute Bridges

Glute bridges are a great exercise for targeting the glutes and hamstrings. To perform a glute bridge, lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Drive your hips up towards the ceiling, squeezing your glutes at the top. Lower your hips back down to the starting position and repeat.

Bulgarian Split Squats

Bulgarian split squats are a challenging exercise that targets the glutes, quads, and hamstrings. To perform a Bulgarian split squat, stand with one foot on a bench or step behind you. Lower your back knee towards the ground, keeping your front knee over your ankle. Push through your front heel to return to a standing position, then repeat on the other leg.

Cable Kickbacks

Cable kickbacks are a great exercise for targeting the gluteus maximus. To perform a cable kickback, attach a cable to a low pulley and stand facing the machine. Grab the cable with one hand and lift your leg behind you, keeping your knee bent. Squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement, then lower your leg back down and repeat on the other side.


Incorporating these exercises into your workout routine can help you build a strong, toned, and firm butt. It’s important to remember to use proper form and start with lighter weights or bodyweight exercises if you are new to these movements. As you progress, gradually increase the weight or resistance to continue challenging your glutes and seeing progress.

Dominique Clare
Dominique Clare

Dominique Clare is a Blogger, Sportswriter and Fitness Coach.. He is the founder of Sports and Fitness Digest.

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